
Is Field Sales bound to disappear?

The way business buyers buy has changed dramatically in recent years. With the advent of the internet and other information technologies, buyers now have access to more information than ever before. They can research products and services online, read reviews, and compare prices from different vendors. This has made the buying process more complex and demanding, and it has put pressure on field sales reps to evolve their skills and strategies.

In the past, field sales reps were primarily responsible for cold calling and making in-person sales pitches. However, today’s buyers are more likely to do their own research before they ever talk to a salesperson. This means that field sales reps need to be more strategic and consultative in their approach. They need to be able to understand the buyer’s needs and pain points, and they need to be able to position their products or services as the solution.

In addition, field sales reps need to be proficient in using technology. They need to be able to use CRM software to track their leads and opportunities, and they need to be able to use video conferencing and other tools to conduct virtual sales calls.

The good news is that the field sales profession is still a good career choice in 2023. There is still a need for skilled and experienced field sales reps who can help businesses close deals. However, it is important for field sales reps to be willing to adapt to the changing landscape and to embrace new technologies.

Here are some of the key skills that field sales reps will need in the future:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) skills
  • Technology proficiency
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Communication skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Sales process expertise
  • Account management skills
  • Relationship building skills

If you are interested in a career in field sales, it is important to develop these skills. You can do this by taking sales courses, attending industry events, and getting experience in the field.

The field sales profession is constantly evolving, but it is still a rewarding career for those who are passionate about sales and who are willing to adapt to change. If you are looking for a career that offers a high level of income, job satisfaction, and career growth, then field sales may be a good fit for you.

Here are some additional thoughts on the future of field sales:

  • The rise of social selling: Social media is becoming an increasingly important tool for field sales reps. By using social media, reps can connect with potential customers, build relationships, and generate leads.
  • The increasing use of data analytics: Data analytics is becoming increasingly important in sales. By analyzing data, reps can better understand their customers and prospects, and they can target their sales efforts more effectively.
  • The growing importance of customer experience: In today’s competitive marketplace, customer experience is more important than ever. Field sales reps need to be focused on providing a positive customer experience, from the initial contact to the close of the deal.

The field sales profession is changing, but it is not going away. By developing the right skills and adapting to the changing landscape, field sales reps can still be successful in the years to come.